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Organized by Jon K. Møller

"The Black Experience in America" by Norman Coombs
Part One - From Freedom to Slavery
Chapter 01 - African Origins.
Chapter 02 - The Human Market: The Slave Trade - Caribbean Interlude.
Chapter 03 - Slavery as Capitalism: The Shape of American Slavery.
Chapter 04 - All Men are created Equal: Slavery and the American Revolution.
Part Two - Emancipation without Freedom
Chapter 05 - A Nation Divided.
Chapter 06 - From Slavery to Segregation.
Chapter 07 - Racism and Democracy.
Part Three - The Search for Equality
Chapter 08 - The Crisis of Leadership
Chapter 09 - The New Negro
Chapter 10 - Fighting Racism at Home and Abroad
Chapter 11 - Civil Rights and Civil Disobediance
Chapter 12 - The Black Revolt
Chapter 13 - Epilogue
Excerpts from Slave Narratives (Edited by Steven Mintz - University of Huston)
Original main page placed on a Norwegian web server
#1. A European slave trader, John Barbot, describes the African slave
#2. A Muslim merchant, Ayubah Suleiman Diallo, recalls his capture and enslavement
#3. Olaudah Equiano, an 11-year old Ibo from Nigeria remembers his kidnapping into slavery (1789)
#4. Venture Smith relates the story of his kidnapping at the age of six (1798)
#5. A European slave trader, James Bardot, Jr., describes a shipboard revolt by enslaved Africans (1700)
#6. Olaudah Equiano describes the horrors of the Middle Passage (1789)
#7. A doctor, Alexander Falconbridge, describes conditions on an English slaver (1788)
#8. Olaudah Equiano describes his arrival in the New World (1789)
#9. An English physician, Alexander Falconbridge, describes the treatment of newly arrived slaves in the West Indies (1788)
#10. Solomon Northrup describes the working conditions of slaves on a Louisiana cotton plantation (1853)
#11. Charles Ball compares working conditions on tobacco and cotton plantations (1858)
#12. Josiah Henson describes slave housing, diet, and clothing (1877)
#13. Francis Henderson describes living conditions under slavery (1856)
#14. Jacob Stroyer recalls the material conditions of slave life (1898)
#15. James Martin remembers a slave auction (1937)
#16. Jacob Stroyer recalls the formative experiences of his childhood (1898)
#17. James W.C. Pennington analyzes the impact of slavery upon childhood (1849)
#18. Lunsford Lane describes the moment when he first recognized the meaning of slavery (1842)
#19. Laura Spicer learns that her husband, who had been sold away, has taken another wife (1869)
#20. An overseer attempts to rape Josiah Henson's mother (1877)
#21. Lewis Clarke discusses the impact of slavery on family life (1846)
#22. Olaudah Equiano describes West African religious beliefs and practices (1789)
#23. Charles Ball remembers a slave funeral, which incorporated traditional African customs (1837)
#24. Peter Randolph describes the religious gathers slaves held outside of their master's supervision (1893)
#25. Henry Bibb discusses "conjuration" (1849)
#26. Frederick Douglass describes the circumstances that prompted masters to whip slaves (1845)
#27. John Brown has bells and horns fastened on his head (1855)
#28. William Wells Brown is tied up in a smokehouse (1847)
#29. Moses Roper is punished for attempting to run away (1837)
#30. Lewis Clarke describes the implements his mistress used to beat him (1846)
#31. Frederick Douglass resists a slave breaker (1845)
#32. Nat Turner describes his revolt against slavery (1831)
#33. Margaret Ward follows the North Star to freedom (1879)
#34. Frederick Douglass borrows a sailor's papers to escape slavery (1855, 1895)
#35. Harriet Tubman sneaks into the South to free slaves (1863, 1865)
#36. Henry "Box" Brown escapes slavery in a sealed box (1872)
#37. Margaret Garner kills her daughter rather than see her returned to slavery (1876)
#38. Private Thomas Long assesses the meaning of black military service during the Civil War (1870)
#39. Corporal Jackson Cherry appeals for equal opportunity for former slaves (1865)
#40. Jourdan Anderson declines his former master's invitation to return to his plantation (1865)
#41. Major General Rufus Saxon assesses the freedmen's aspirations (1866)
#42. Colonel Samuel Thomas describes the attitudes of ex-Confederates toward the freedmen (1865)
#43. Francis L. Cardozo asks for land for the freedmen (1868)
#44. The Rev. Elias Hill is attacked by the Ku Klux Klan (1872)
#45. Henry Blake describes sharecropping (1937)
#46. Frederick Douglass assesses the condition of the freedmen in 1880
Women in Slavery
African American Women: 1492 to 1863: Slavery (source: About.com)
Enslaved women and slavery before and after 1807 (Source: Diana Paton, Newcastle University)
African-American Women Writers of the 19th Century (source: Digital Schomburg of The New York Public Library Digital Library Collections)
Women and slavery in the Caribbean The page is added to the North American section because of its links to more general information. (source: Penny Welch)
Slave women in Georgia (source: The New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Women's anti-slavery associations (source: Spartacus Educational)
Incidents in the life of a slve girl (source: Harriet Jacobs - penname Linda Brent)
Pictures of women in slavery (source: Google)
Buffalo Soldiers: African Soldiers in the US Army
"Buffalo Soldier" lyrics by Bob Marley
"Buffalo Soldier" at YouTube
Buffalo soldiers in the US Army (source: Wikipedia)
"Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
US Civil War 1861-65
Causes of the Civil War in America 2 (1861-65) - Short essay on the factors leading to the American Civil War. Covers slavery, legal questions, and key political leaders.
The Kansas_Nebraska Act - The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´.
The War - A summary of major events. Pretty detailed.
The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1st, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln.
Southampton Slave Revolt - Early in the morning of August 22, 1831, a band of eight black slaves, led by a lay preacher named Nat Turner, entered the Travis house in Southampton County, Virginia and killed five members of the Travis family. This was the beginning of a slave uprising that was to become known as Nat Turner's rebellion.
North America in general
Chronology on the History of Slavery - A History of Slavery from 1619 to End
Indentureship - Gottlieb Mittelberger, a German, Describes the Difficulties of Immigration, 1750
The Underground Railroad - The Underground Railroad was perhaps the most dramatic protest action against slavery in United States' history.
The Underground Railroad - The Underground Railroad in Franklin County. Because of its location on the Mason-Dixon line Franklin County was intimately involved with both pro- and anti-slavery forces.
The African-American Mosaic - A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture

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